Tag Archives: Ross Felten

Holiday Gifts for the Chicago Cyclist in your Life!

Chicago Neighborhood Bike Tour 2017 Calendar

Chicago Neighborhood Bike Tour 2017 Calendar

I know….I know….the holidays are getting closer.  Your staring at a long list of Chicago area cyclists  that you know and love, desperate for the perfect gift, and yet, completely unable to think of anything.  Fear not my friend, Ross Felten and I have it all figured out for you!

The perfect gift for the holidays is our Chicago Neighborhood Bike Tour 2017 Calendar featuring artwork from some of Ross’ best poster designs from the past 9 years of our bike tour posters. The calendar is also a handy reference for the 2017 Chicago Neighborhood Bike Tour schedule along with a variety of local cycling events and activities.  

You can also browse our t-shirts, posters and ride subscription options in anticipation of the 2017 season, OUR TENTH YEAR of tours.  Holy cow…how did that happen?

And if you are a lover of Ross Felten artwork, but perhaps not cycling in particular, you might be interested in his own 2017 Calendar at his Etsy store.  In fact…you probably need both!

While I no longer do tours during the winter months, we ARE going to have another Winter Bike Swap this February 4, 2017 at Jaks Tap.  Details to follow soon.

Until then, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, a fantastic winter and a great new year.  – Lee
