Tour of East and West Garfield Park 2015

September 5, 2015 @ 11:00 am
Garfield Park
100 North Central Park Avenue
Chicago, IL 60624
$9 - $12
Lee Diamond
Tour of Garfield Park 2010 Poster

Tour of Garfield Park 2010 Poster

West Garfield Park is community area #26, sitting 5 miles west of The Loop. Its eastern neighbor East Garfield Park is community area #25, and sits a mile closer from eastern border to downtown Chicago. This is an area with a storied past, and many brilliant examples of amazing residential architecture. Garfield Park itself, formerly the Central Park of the West Chicago Parks Commission three major parks, features brilliant landscaping by Jens Jensen and William Le Baron Jenney. West of the park lay what was for a time, one of the hottest night-life sections of Chicago, the Madison-Crawford District. The booms were as magnificent, as the busts were difficult. The built history and parkland offer a truly unique story in the communities of Chicago, all told in the order of the ride.