Can I cancel the tour if the weather is bad?

We are first and foremost concerned with our rider’s safety, so if weather is unsafe for outdoor activities, such as lightning or severe storm conditions, a ride may be cancelled on the day of the event. Chicago’s weather is often unpredictable, with extremes of heat, humidity, cold and snow and a malady for nearly every season. Barring safety concerns, we ride regardless of weather, rain, snow, cold and heat. If severe weather should cause you to wish to cancel your ride, please email us BEFORE THE RIDE at rides@bigshouldersrealty.com and we can give you a credit for a future ride in the event that the weather was a reasonable factor in your non-attendance.

HOWEVER, you could alternately always buy single ride tickets on the registration page which are good for any ride, except for sold out rides.  Multi-ride passes also allow you to come as you like or not.

Can I cancel the tour if I feel sick, or don’t want to come, or the game is on?

No. Like many events, our rides are limited participation events with a fee associated for the right to attend, not the guarantee of your attendance. Just as a race, concert or ballgame, the event is held and the tickets are sold, and refunds are not given if anything should prevent someone’s attendance.

HOWEVER, you could alternately always buy single ride tickets on the registration page which are good for any ride, except for sold out rides.  Multi-ride passes also allow you to come as you like or not.

What if I don’t like the tour?

While we don’t give refunds for people that do not attend an event they registered for, we will happily give you your money back if you don’t enjoy the tour. We are quite positive you will have a great time, learn a lot about Chicago, and find it worth every penny, but on the off chance we are wrong, we will happily refund your fee. For multiple ride packages, this only applies on the first ride you take as part of the tour which must be within 60 days of purchase.

How fast do you ride?

Not very fast. Tours are between 12 and 18 miles and spread out over 4 to 5 hours. Everyone can keep up.

What if I need to rent a bike?

We have limited amount of bikes we loan out for free, but they are strictly on a first come first serve basis and require a minimum of 72 hours notice. Further our bike hauling abilities are quite limited.  Please email us in advance at rides@bigshouldersrealty.com if you would like to borrow a bike. If we are out of loaners or do not have an appropriately sized bikes, we can give you a list of rental companies that may be able to assist you in getting a bike. Please also remember to rent a helmet.

Divvy bike share has also just arrived in Chicago.  Since they do not rent helmets, please let us know you are using Divvy by writing us at rides@bigshouldersrealty.com and we will bring you a helmet.

I am interested in your 8 ride package to split with my friend. Can I do that?

Yes. Think of the 8 ride package as 8 single rides you can do whether that be 1 person on 8 rides, 8 people on 1 ride or any combination that equals 8. The same rules apply for the 20 ride package which acts as 20 individual passes for various rides.

Yeah? What about your 20 ride package?

The same rules apply for the 20 ride package as stated above which acts as 20 individual passes for various rides.

Yeah? What about the annual subscription?

Sorry, this is for one rider only but allows entry to every ride we do during a calendar year from the date of purchase.

What if I don’t want to wear a helmet?

It is required, period. We are completely in favor of always wearing a helmet, but we also have liability and insurance concerns, therefore no rider can join our paid rides without a helmet. We have a limited number of helmets for those that do not come prepared, but no riders can join if they do not wear a helmet. Refunds will not be given to those that register for the ride and refuse to wear a helmet.

Can I buy tickets for other people in my family, or gifts for friends or clients?

Yes. At the point of registration you can change the number of tickets you are buying and you can also purchase 8 ride and 20 ride packages.

Will you do a tour for me and my friends? Our club?  My company?

Yes. Custom tours are available and I have done them for private parties, companies, foundations, clubs, non-profits, and government organizations.  Options range from selecting the full or amended version of any of our existing tours to the creation of a completely original tour.  Write rides@bigshouldersrealty.com for more details.

Can I advertise on Chicago Velo?

Yes. Write rides@bigshouldersrealty.com for more details.

Can I buy your photographs?

Yes. Write rides@bigshouldersrealty.com for more details.

Are you related to Chicago Velodrome?

No, that website is http://chicagovelodrome.com/

Can I sponsor a ride? A break on a ride?  Drinks for the riders? Something?

Quite possibly. Write rides@bigshouldersrealty.com and tell us what you have in mind.


More questions? Please write your question to us at rides@bigshouldersrealty.com.